The “100 Deadliest Days of Summer” unfold during the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day, during which the rate of traffic accidents, particularly those involving teenagers, significantly increases.
This time spans approximately 100 days and is marked by a surge in driving activity due to school vacations and summer break, leading to more inexperienced teen drivers on the road. As a result, it is very important that teen drivers – who are, by their very circumstances, far less experienced on the road than most other motorists – prepare for this hazardous season in advance.
Key considerations
During the summer, teenagers tend to spend more time driving, often with less supervision and more distractions. The combination of inexperience, greater freedom and social activities contributes to higher accident rates. Preparing teen drivers to handle these risks through education and practice can help them to remain safer during this particularly dangerous time.
One of the biggest dangers for teen drivers is distraction. Whether it’s from mobile devices, other passengers or simply adjusting the radio, distractions can lead to catastrophic consequences. Parents and guardians can help by setting clear rules about phone use while driving and emphasizing the importance of minimizing other distractions.
Additionally, statistics show that the crash risk for teens increases as their number of passengers increases. Teens need to understand the dynamics of driving with peers and the potential for peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors. Preparing them usually involves setting firm rules about how many friends can ride along and discussing how to handle peer pressure in a moving vehicle.
Summer also inspires unique driving conditions, from sudden thunderstorms to intense sun glare. Teens may not have the experience or skills to navigate these conditions safely. Prior training on how to react to different types of weather and road conditions can help.
Spring has not yet given way to summer. As such, there is still time to prepare teens for their deadliest season on the road.